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2021-12-15 11:00:41 +00:00
// File.swift
// Created by Max Nuding on 15s.12.21.
import Foundation
import Runner
import Collections
typealias ThreatLevel = Int
struct Coord: Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
let row: Int
let col: Int
var description: String { "(\(row), \(col))" }
func neighbors() -> [Coord] {
Coord(row: row-1, col: col),
Coord(row: row, col: col+1),
Coord(row: row+1, col: col),
Coord(row: row, col: col-1)
class Day15: Runnable {
let inputPath: String
var lastRow: Int = 0
var lastCol: Int = 0
var parts = [[ThreatLevel]]()
var neighbors = [Coord: [Coord]]()
required init(inputPath: String) {
self.inputPath = inputPath
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private func expandMap() {
2021-12-15 12:00:00 +00:00
var tmpParts = parts
for (rowNum, row) in tmpParts.enumerated() {
let newRow = [Int](0...4).flatMap { cr in
2021-12-15 13:32:20 +00:00 { rv in cr + rv }.map { $0 > 9 ? $0 - 9 : $0 }
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parts[rowNum] = newRow
tmpParts = parts
for num in 1...4 {
for i in tmpParts.indices {
let tr = tmpParts[i]
let ntr = { $0 + num }.map { $0 > 9 ? $0 - 9 : $0 }
lastRow = parts.count - 1
lastCol = (parts.first?.count ?? 0) - 1
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public func run() {
let input = try! String(contentsOfFile: inputPath)
parts = input
.trimmingCharacters(in: .newlines)
.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
.map { Array($0) }
.map { ar in {c in ThreatLevel(c.description)!} }
lastRow = parts.count - 1
lastCol = (parts.first?.count ?? 0) - 1
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2021-12-15 13:32:20 +00:00
neighbors = [Coord: [Coord]]()
private func calculateSafestPath() {
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// Distances to startNode
var totalThreatLevel = [Coord: ThreatLevel]()
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var unvisited = Set(parts.enumerated().flatMap {row in { col in
Coord(row: row.offset, col: col)
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2021-12-15 13:20:33 +00:00
2021-12-15 13:32:20 +00:00
/* Keep a seperate dictionary, to calculate which coordinates have a set threat level
* a.k.a total distance to start
* This allows to find the next coordinate to check fairly quickly, by just
* looking at the minmum key in this.
* I initially tried a PriorityQueue, but my implementation was pretty slow and it spent too much time sorting
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var threatLevelDistrubution = [ThreatLevel: Set<Coord>]()
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let startNode = Coord(row: 0, col: 0)
totalThreatLevel[startNode] = 0
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threatLevelDistrubution[Int.max] = unvisited
threatLevelDistrubution[0] = Set([startNode])
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while let threatLevel = threatLevelDistrubution.keys.min() {
let currentNode = threatLevelDistrubution[threatLevel]!.first!
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2021-12-15 13:32:20 +00:00
// Remove key from dictionary if not coords are left for a specific threat level
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if threatLevelDistrubution[threatLevel]!.isEmpty {
threatLevelDistrubution.removeValue(forKey: threatLevel)
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if neighbors[currentNode] == nil {
neighbors[currentNode] = currentNode
.filter {
$0.col >= 0 && $0.col <= lastCol && $0.row >= 0 && $0.row <= lastRow
var adjacent = neighbors[currentNode]!
neighbors[currentNode] = adjacent
adjacent = adjacent
.filter {
let currentThreatLevel = totalThreatLevel[currentNode, default: Int.max]
for a in adjacent {
let testCost = parts[a] + currentThreatLevel
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let currentCost = totalThreatLevel[a, default: Int.max]
if currentCost > testCost {
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totalThreatLevel[a] = testCost
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threatLevelDistrubution[testCost, default: Set<Coord>()].insert(a)
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// Remove key from dictionary if not coords are left for a specific threat leveli
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if threatLevelDistrubution[currentCost]!.isEmpty {
threatLevelDistrubution.removeValue(forKey: currentCost)
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print(totalThreatLevel[Coord(row: lastRow, col: lastCol)]!)
extension Array where Element == Array<Int> {
subscript(coord: Coord) -> Int {
get { self[coord.row][coord.col] }
set(newValue) {
self[coord.row][coord.col] = newValue