<?php require_once __DIR__ .'/bootstrap.php'; // Support the old Dragonpolls links if (isset($_GET['poll'])) { redirect('view_poll.php?id='.$_GET['poll']); } echo get_page_header(); ?> <p> Welcome to the new Dragonpolls! In <a href="https://github.com/hutattedonmyarm/Dragonpolls/milestone/3">the future</a> you will find a stream of polls here, right now it's fairly empty! You can <a href="new_poll.php">create a new poll</a>, look at <a href="https://github.com/hutattedonmyarm/Dragonpolls/milestones?direction=asc&sort=title&state=open"> my roadmap </a>, or <a href="https://github.com/hutattedonmyarm/Dragonpolls/issues/new/choose">make a feature request</a>. </p> <p> Once all planned features for version 1.0.0 are done, and the 0.9.0 bugs are squashed, I will replace the current version over at <a href="https://wedro.online/dragonpolls">https://wedro.online/dragonpolls</a>.<br> You may see that this uses a slightly different url format, polls are at <em>view_poll.php?id=XXX</em> instead of <em>index.php?poll=YYY</em>. The old links will continue to work of course, however I encourage everyone to share the new style once this is has replaced the previous incarnation. </p> <p> My current plan is to keep this domain up as a beta-channel, feel free to use it instead of <a href="https://wedro.online/dragonpolls">https://wedro.online/dragonpolls</a>, and update the productive installation with each milestone! </p> <?= get_page_footer() ?>