getMessage().'"'); } if (!$api->isAuthenticated(false, true)) { quit('You need to be logged in to create a new post!'); } if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['poll_id']) || !is_numeric($_POST['poll_id']) || $_POST['poll_id'] <= 0) { quit('Invalid poll ID'); } if (empty($_POST['poll_token'])) { quit('Invalid poll token'); } if (empty($_POST['post_text'])) { quit('Invalid text'); } $channel_id = -1; if (!empty($_POST['channelid']) && is_numeric($_POST['channelid'])) { $channel_id = (int)$_POST['channelid']; } $broadcast = !empty($_POST['broadcast']); try { $channel_invite = []; $poll_raw = Poll::makePollNoticeRaw($_POST['poll_id'], $_POST['poll_token']); if ($channel_id > 0) { # No broadcast, post to channel and end if (!$broadcast) { $channel = $api->getChannel($channel_id); $channel->postMessage($_POST['post_text'], $poll_raw); redirect('view_poll.php?poll_created=1&id=' . $_POST['poll_id']); die(); } # Broadcast, post to global, then to channel $channel_invite = Channel::makeChannelInviteRaw($channel_id); } $params = [ 'raw' => array_merge($channel_invite, $poll_raw) ]; $post = $api->createPostWithParameters($_POST['post_text'], $params); if ($broadcast) { $channel = $api->getChannel($channel_id); $broadcast_raw = Channel::makeBroadcastNoticeRaw($post->id); $channel_raw = array_merge($poll_raw, $broadcast_raw); $channel->postMessage($_POST['post_text'], $channel_raw); } redirect('view_poll.php?poll_created=1&id=' . $_POST['poll_id']); } catch (\Exception $e) { quit('Something went wrong creating your post: "' . $e->getMessage() . '"'); } } if (empty($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id']) || $_GET['id'] <= 0) { quit('Invalid poll ID'); } if (empty($_GET['poll_token'])) { quit('Invalid poll token'); } if (empty($_GET['prompt'])) { quit('Invalid prompt'); } $poll_id = (int)$_GET['id']; $poll_token = $_GET['poll_token']; $prompt = $_GET['prompt']; $dir_name = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if ($dir_name === '.' || $dir_name === '/') { $dir_name = ''; } $scheme = empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) ? 'http' : $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']; $url = $scheme . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $dir_name . '/view_poll.php?id=' . $poll_id; $channels = []; $channels_error_banner = ''; try { $channels = $api->getSubscribedChannels(false); } catch (\Exception $e) { $channels_error_banner = make_banner('error', 'Could not load channels: "'.$e->getMessage().'"'); } echo $channels_error_banner; ?> Do you want to post about your poll?

Take me straight to the poll

Note, that if your poll is set to private, you will either need to share your poll with a post, or give the poll's access token to everyone who should be able to vote in your poll. Your access token is: