Send new posts to frontend using Websockets #10

opened 2023-04-02 10:28:20 +00:00 by phlaym · 1 comment

Refreshing every X seconds essentially wastes resources while nothing is happening and doesn't scale particularily well either.

New posts could be pushed to the UI using websockets instead

Refreshing every X seconds essentially wastes resources while nothing is happening and doesn't scale particularily well either. New posts could be pushed to the UI using websockets instead
phlaym added the
label 2023-04-02 10:28:20 +00:00
phlaym added this to the Version 1.2 milestone 2023-04-05 08:51:19 +00:00

Will be put on hold. This seems to be more complicated than I had hoped. Might be worth revisiting in the future and trying out SocketIO

Will be put on hold. This seems to be more complicated than I had hoped. Might be worth revisiting in the future and trying out [SocketIO](
phlaym removed this from the Version 1.2 milestone 2023-04-14 16:52:01 +00:00
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Reference: phlaym/moshing-mammut#10
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