import { env } from '$env/dynamic/private'; import type { Account, Post, Tag } from '$lib/mastodon/response'; import { isTruthy } from '$lib/truthyString'; import sqlite3 from 'sqlite3'; const { DEV } = import.meta.env; const db: sqlite3.Database = new sqlite3.Database('moshingmammut.db'); if (DEV && isTruthy(env.VERBOSE)) { sqlite3.verbose(); db.on('change', (t, d, table, rowid) => { console.debug('DB change event', t, d, table, rowid); }); db.on('trace', (sql) => { console.debug('Running', sql); }); db.on('profile', (sql) => { console.debug('Finished', sql); }); } interface Migration { id: number; name: string; statement: string; } db.on('open', () => { console.log('Opened database'); db.serialize();'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "migrations" ("id" integer,"name" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))'); db.all('SELECT id FROM migrations', (err, rows) => { if (err !== null) { console.error('Could not fetch existing migrations', err); return; } console.debug('Already applied migrations', rows); const appliedMigrations: Set = new Set( any) => row['id'])); const toApply = getMigrations().filter((m) => !appliedMigrations.has(; for (const migration of toApply) { db.exec(migration.statement, (err) => { if (err !== null) { console.error(`Failed to apply migration ${}`, err); return; } 'INSERT INTO migrations (id, name) VALUES(?, ?)', [,], (e: Error) => { if (e !== null) { console.error(`Failed to mark migration ${} as applied`, e); return; }`Applied migration ${}`); } ); }); } }); }); db.on('error', (err) => { console.error('Error opening database', err); }); function getMigrations(): Migration[] { return [ { id: 1, name: 'initial', statement: ` CREATE TABLE accounts ( id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, acct TEXT, username TEXT, display_name TEXT, url TEXT, avatar TEXT, avatar_static TEXT ); CREATE TABLE tags (url TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, tag TEXT NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE posts ( id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT, created_at TEXT, url TEXT NOT NULL, account_id TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES accounts(id) ); CREATE TABLE poststags ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, post_id TEXT NOT NULL, tag_url TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES posts(id), FOREIGN KEY (tag_url) REFERENCES tags(url) )` } ]; } export async function savePost(post: Post): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.debug(`Saving post ${post.url}`); const account = post.account; ` INSERT INTO accounts (id, acct, username, display_name, url, avatar, avatar_static) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET acct=excluded.acct, username=excluded.username, display_name=excluded.display_name, url=excluded.url, avatar=excluded.avatar, avatar_static=excluded.avatar_static;`, [, account.acct, account.username, account.display_name, account.url, account.avatar, account.avatar_static ], (err) => { if (err !== null) { console.error(`Could not insert/update account ${}`, err); reject(err); return; } ` INSERT INTO posts (id, content, created_at, url, account_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET content=excluded.content, created_at=excluded.created_at, url=excluded.url, account_id=excluded.account_id;`, [, post.content, post.created_at, post.url,], (postErr) => { if (postErr !== null) { console.error(`Could not insert post ${post.url}`, postErr); reject(postErr); return; } db.parallelize(() => { let remaining = post.tags.length; for (const tag of post.tags) { ` INSERT INTO tags (url, tag) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT(url) DO UPDATE SET tag=excluded.tag;`, [tag.url,], (tagErr) => { if (tagErr !== null) { console.error(`Could not insert/update tag ${tag.url}`, tagErr); reject(tagErr); return; } 'INSERT INTO poststags (post_id, tag_url) VALUES (?, ?)', [, tag.url], (posttagserr) => { if (posttagserr !== null) { console.error( `Could not insert poststags ${tag.url}, ${post.url}`, posttagserr ); reject(posttagserr); return; } // Don't decrease on fail remaining--; // Only resolve after all have been inserted if (remaining === 0) { resolve(undefined); } } ); } ); } }); } ); } ); }); } export async function getPosts(since: string | null, before: string | null, limit: number) { const promise = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let filter_query; const params: any = { $limit: limit }; if (since === null && before === null) { filter_query = ''; } else if (since !== null) { filter_query = 'WHERE posts.created_at > $since'; params.$since = since; } else if (before !== null) { // Setting both, before and since doesn't make sense, so this case is not explicitly handled filter_query = 'WHERE posts.created_at < $before'; params.$before = before; } const sql = `SELECT, posts.content, posts.created_at, posts.url, AS account_id, accounts.acct, accounts.username, accounts.display_name, accounts.url AS account_url, accounts.avatar FROM posts JOIN accounts ON posts.account_id = ${filter_query} ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT $limit`; db.all(sql, params, (err, rows: any[]) => { if (err != null) { console.error('Error loading posts', err); reject(err); return; } if (rows.length === 0) { // No need to check for tags resolve([]); return; } const postIdsParams = => '?').join(', '); db.all( `SELECT post_id, tags.url, tags.tag FROM poststags JOIN tags ON poststags.tag_url = tags.url WHERE post_id IN (${postIdsParams});`, any) =>, (tagErr, tagRows: any[]) => { if (tagErr != null) { console.error('Error loading post tags', tagErr); reject(tagErr); return; } const tagMap: Map = tagRows.reduce((result: Map, item) => { const tag: Tag = { url: item.url, name: item.tag }; result.set(item.post_id, [...(result.get(item.post_id) || []), tag]); return result; }, new Map()); const posts = => { return { id:, content: row.content, created_at: row.created_at, url: row.url, tags: tagMap.get( || [], account: { id: row.account_id, acct: row.acct, username: row.username, display_name: row.display_name, url: row.account_url, avatar: row.avatar, avatar_static: '' } as Account } as Post; }); resolve(posts); } ); }); }); return promise; }