Logs into Nebula as the configured user, fetches available videos, and generates an RSS feed. No feed will be generated, if less than *feed_cache_time_seconds* seconds (set in config.json) have elapsed since last running this script. Requirements ============ The following are needed to run this script: - Python, version 3.8 to 3.10: I have tested 3.8.10 and 3.10.0. Older versions might work, but 3.6 is a hard minimum - [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org): Not a hard requirement, I have included a requirements.txt which can be used to install dependencies with `pip install -r requirements.txt` . I haven't tested this, and the list is auto-generated by poetry, using python 3.10 Installation ============ - Download or clone the repository. - If you are using poetry, run `poetry install` in the `nebula-rss` directory. - If you are not using poetry, run `pip install -r requirements.txt`. If that doesn't work, try manually installing the dependencies listed in `pyproject.toml` - Copy `config_default.json` to `config.json` Usage ===== This assume you are inside the folder `nebula-rss`. First, configure your username and password in `config.json`. You should also set your feed url and possibly adjust the path to the output file which will be generated. Run `poetry run python main.py` to generate your feed. Alternatively, run `chmod +x ./main.py` to mark it as executable and then run `poetry run ./main.py`. If you a not using poetry, run `python main.py` directly, or mark `main.py` as executable and run `./main.py`. You will likely want to run the script regularly, to update the feed. I'm using the following crontab `* 0 * * * cd $HOME/nebula-rss; $HOME/.local/bin/poetry run ./main.py`, so that it runs once an hour. I have not tested this on windows, but it should work without issues. Notes ===== This is an extremely hacky solution and uses the internal API. Naturally, this may break at any time.