'; /** @var array $config configuration options */ $config = require(__DIR__ . '/config.php'); /** @var PhotoPrism $api API object to interface with PhotoPrism */ $api = new PhotoPrism($config); /** @var Album[] $albums List of PhotoPrism albums */ $albums = []; try { $api->login(); } catch (\Exception $e) { die('Fehler: ' . $e->getMessage().$footer.''); } /** @var string $token Tokens for which album(s) are visible in the dropdown */ $token = $_GET['token']; /** @var int $page Page number of photos to load */ $page = intval($_GET['page'] ?? 1); /** @var int $count Number of pictures to load */ $count = intval($_GET['count'] ?? 50); /** @var int $offset Tokens for which album(s) are visible in the dropdown */ $offset = ($page - 1) * $count; /** @var string $album_url URL path to the selected album */ $album_url = '/'; $page_sizes = array_values(array_unique([10, 20, 50, 100, $count])); sort($page_sizes); $link_class = $page === 1 ? 'pageLink disabled' : 'pageLink'; try { $album = $api->getAlbumByToken($token); if ($album === null) { die('Album nicht gefunden' . $footer . ''); } $photos = $api->getAlbumPhotos($album, $count, $offset); ?>
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getMessage() . ''); } ?>
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