Added poll output

This commit is contained in:
aymm 2021-03-27 11:46:31 +01:00
parent 8cbccb410d
commit 64b2e9e685
Signed by: phlaym
GPG Key ID: A06651BAB6777237

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ require_once __DIR__ .'/bootstrap.php';
use APnutI\Exceptions\NotFoundException;
use APnutI\Exceptions\HttpPnutForbiddenException;
use APnutI\Exceptions\NotSupportedPollException;
use APnutI\Exceptions\NotAuthorizedException;
use APnutI\Exceptions\PollAccessRestrictedException;
use APnutI\Entities\Poll;
if (empty($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id']) || $_GET['id'] <= 0) {
@ -12,19 +14,55 @@ if (empty($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id']) || $_GET['id'] <= 0) {
$poll_id = (int)$_GET['id'];
$poll = null;
if ($api->isAuthenticated()) {
$user = $api->getAuthorizedUser();
echo 'Welcome ' . ($user->name ?? $user->username) . '<br>';
try {
$poll = $api->getPoll($poll_id);
$poll_token = array_key_exists('polltoken', $_GET) ? $_GET['polltoken'] : null;
$poll = $api->getPoll($poll_id, $poll_token);
} catch (NotFoundException $nfe) {
die('Poll not found');
} catch (HttpPnutForbiddenException $fe) {
die('Poll token required!');
} catch (NotSupportedPollException $nspe) {
die('Sorry, this poll has a not yet supported type: ' . $nspe->getMessage());
} catch (PollAccessRestrictedException $are) {
$message = array_key_exists('polltoken', $_GET)
? 'Sorry, your poll token is invalid! Please enter a valid token: '
: ('Sorry, this poll is private! If you have found this poll on a post, '
. 'please enter a link to the post, the post ID or the access token for the poll: ');
. '<form><input type="text" name="polltoken">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$poll_id.'"><button type="submit">Access poll</button></form>'
#echo json_encode($poll);
#$user_avatar_url = $api->getAvatarUrl($poll->user->id, 50);
$user_avatar_url = $poll->user->getAvatarUrl(50);
$prompt = '@' . $poll->user->username . ' asks: ' . $poll->prompt;
echo '<img src="'.$user_avatar_url.'"/>';
echo $prompt;
#$prompt = '@' . $poll->user->username . ' asks: ' . $poll->prompt;
$username = '@' . $poll->user->username;
#echo '<img src="'.$user_avatar_url.'"/>';
#echo $prompt;
$disabled = $poll->canVote() ? '' : 'disabled';
<div class="poll">
<div class="header">
<img src="<?= $user_avatar_url ?>" />
<span class="username"><?= $username ?></span> asks:
<span class="prompt"><?= $poll->prompt ?></span>
<div class="options">
foreach ($poll->options as $option) {
$checked = $option->is_your_response ? 'checked' : ''; ?>
<div class="options">
<input type="checkbox" <?= $checked.' '.$disabled ?>/>
<span class="option-text"><?= $option->text ?></span>
<?php } ?>
<?= json_encode($poll);?>